++++++++Days to Baby++++++++

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Good Snowy Day

BTW =) ET on Sunday went well - 2 txf, 1 fz, 5 monitored to day 6!!!! I keep looking at pics of embies and the u/s print of them in!!!!

So today has been a great day for me. **Loving the snow, it is beautiful here in SE PA, but I am sorry for those in accidents :( ** Job obtained!!!!!!!! Call from RE that 2 more embies were frozen yesterday but I am unsure why they did not call me yesterday and I had to call them today - busy office/lab I guess! Today I am feeling a little queasy - not sure if preg related, I would guess it is too early. Maybe I just need to drink more water or it is the PIO. Not much else in my mind - I have been tired since ET on Sunday!!

So 3 embies available for FET in future!!!!

P.S. BETA is 2/19!!!! And new job orientation is same day - hopeful sign - two good things at once!!!


nancy said...

I'm so excited for you. When is your beta? I think I should know this already. Ack. it's all so exciting.

jp said...

Thanks for stopping by and for your good vibes! Wishing you a great first beta!!!
Stay warm and have a good weekend.